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12 tips for new producers

Simple tips for new and experienced producers alike.

I believe this list is essential reading for new producers. In my journey, I learned many of these lessons the hard way, but you don’t have to.

Stay calm

Do your best to stay calm. As the producer, people look to you for assurance and leadership. This can be a challenge, so you need to cultivate it. 

Take time to stop and breathe. Remind yourself that things don’t always go your way. Pause and then go and fix the problem.

Let the small things slide.

You need to learn to identify what is essential and what is not. Dealing with the most critical 20% of the tasks will get you 80% of your desired results.

The critical tasks get done first … 80%. The important ones next … 95%. The small stuff … if you have time, then go for it. If not … Let it go!

Be strong

As a new producer, you are there to advocate for the health of the whole production. But, unfortunately, that means that sometimes you’ll need to make unpleasant decisions or fight for things that aren’t popular with your team. 

It takes a thick skin, but you are protecting the production and people will thank you. 

Be flexible

Shit happens. Keep your eyes open so you see it, then walk around it. Nothing in producing is guaranteed except that you will have to change your plans.

wrecked gray vehicle between concrete walls at daytime
You will crash!

Expect to hit the wall.

You will have days when you can’t do it anymore. This doesn’t just happen to new producers. We all hit the wall sometimes. So don’t beat yourself up for needing rest. Instead, do the important stuff, take the day off and start again tomorrow.

Find the joy!

You got into this to have fun, so remember, hard work and fun aren’t mutually exclusive.

Expect creative tension

Any production aiming to create something worthwhile will have periods of creative tension. Things may not work, or people may argue, and if it is too easy, then maybe you’re missing something.

When the pot does boil over, remind people of your collective goals. They are why you’re there and what you’re working towards. If they can’t resolve their disagreements, step in and make a call.

If you’re part of the tension, step back and review the goals to ensure you’re right. Then back yourself.


Never underestimate the help that others can give you. 

You’ll never get stuff done if you hold onto all the tasks. If you have people asking to help, provide them with a job. If you’re working too hard, give someone else a job.

Always say thank you.

If someone does a job, say thank them. Then do it again. 

Never underestimate the value of thanking people. Learn to say thank you every day and be thankful for the opportunity to do this thing you love.

people riding boat on body of water
Use your team but always say thank you

Stay humble

If you are doing it right, this industry will put you next to people who amaze you daily. As you succeed, there will be more offers and opportunities. But no matter how well you do your job, always remember that no one is irreplaceable.

There will always be someone who does things better than you. The day you forget that and lose your humility is the day they’ll take your job.

Sit and review

Sit down at the end of the day, the week or the project. Ask questions and be honest about what worked and what didn’t. 

Identify where you failed and where you succeeded. Then learn from it.

Man With Fireworks
Celebrate your success!

Celebrate success

Whenever you win, celebrate it. No matter how small!

For more information on producing, check out our Theatre Production 101 article.